Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Billy Madison

Top 5 Funny Scenes
  1. When Billy starts to say that peeing ur pants is cool, I relate this to just making fun of yourself to make a little kid feel better about themselves after they've done something bad.
  2. When Billy lies about how High school is awesome and that one fat kid says he can't wait and Billy starts shaking him telling him to enjoy elementary school, I would say that Billy's advice is true and thus funny.
  3. When Billy's girlfriend is beating billy up in the pool and his two friends are like totally smashed and the friends think billy and his girlfriend are playing Marco Polo. I just think it's funny how they act and how useless that scene was
  4. When the O'Doyle family drives off the cliff, funny but totally useless scene
  5. When Billy chases the penguin, just plain funny.

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